Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A targeted multi-drug treatment and tracking system may improve human cancer treatment

One of the key obstacles in identifying effective anti-cancer therapies is the lack of translation ability of experimental treatment results to actual tumors in humans. Replicating promising anti-tumor effects observed in animal models of various cancer therapies in humans has proven extremely difficult. This goal is even more challenging when attempting to do so from outcomes and results documented in cell culture experiments. Only approximately 7% of therapies identified in pre-clinical studies are actually approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to proceed beyond clinical trials for use in human cancer treatment. Costs to develop drugs for human use currently approach nearly 3 billion dollars, which compounds the overwhelming failure of oncotherapies to show effects in humans and further limits progression of cancer-targeting treatments.

Why do so many drugs fail to show benefits in humans while demonstrating promise in pre-clinical experimental studies? A primary contributor to this discrepancy lies in the differences in biology of humans compared to that in experimental conditions. The tumor microenvironment in humans may vary in pH, oxygenation, and other chemical features, and the human immune and inflammatory response can alter the drug's chemical potency or specificity toward tumor cells, or alter the cells’ ability to respond to the treatment. Also, human cancers are often treated, respond, and return, exhibiting some level of chemotherapeutic resistance, which makes recurring cancers harder to treat. It is difficult to model this in an experimental setting. The bottom line is that experimental models do not accurately reflect the human condition. Therefore, improving a therapy’s ability to target human cancers with the desired efficacy and potency while minimizing off-target and unexpected influences of the drug on the body, and vice versa, are critical to advancing cancer therapies for human use. A multi-drug approach is likely going to be a viable answer to overcoming so many issues to get the job done correctly.

A recent study by Klinghoffer et al. in Science Translational Medicine tested a device known as CIVO that is designed to deliver multiple potential therapeutic agents into carefully planned spatial locations within a biological tumor, and utilized paired software to analyze each compound’s effects within the tumor microenvironment. The premise behind such a bioengineering approach is to enhance prediction of the value and efficacy of therapies in pre-clinical animal models, and improve the target specificity, limit unintended side effects, and characterize compound-specific anti-tumorigenic effects in experimental and human cancers. This can help researchers and clinicians predict the potential of one or many compounds for use, as well as serve as a delivery and monitoring device for application in human cancer patients.

Figure 1. CIVO chemotherapy microinjection system diagram. The CIVO system can microinject up to 8 (7 depicted here) therapeutic agents into localized area of a tumor. This allows for analysis of local agent-specific treatment effects as well combined chemotherapeutic agent delivery directly into the tumor, reducing off-target side effects.

The researchers tested the CIVO system, which has the capability to deliver microinjections of up to 8 different drugs into the tumor, in xenograft lymphoma models. Such models involve transfer of human cancers into animals for testing drug efficacy.  Using the CIVO microinjection system, a variety of extensively studied and well-characterized anticancer drugs (vincristine, doxorubicin, mafosfamide, and prednisolone) caused clearly defined localized changes to the biology and structure of cancer cells around sites of drug exposure that were reflective of the previously identified and defined mechanisms of each drug’s effects. Interestingly, these local responses were predictive of responses to systemic administration of the agents in animal models. Perhaps one of the most exciting results of the study identified a new mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-specific inhibitor that exhibited efficacy in killing tumor cells in drug-resistant tumors versus its effects in tumors that had previously not been exposed to any chemical therapy. mTOR is a widely-studied protein in cancer due to its role in enhancing cell growth, protein synthesis, and cell survival - all characteristics of cancer cells that contribute to cancer pathobiology and treatment difficulty. In addition, studies designed to determine the feasibility of the CIVO system for its effects of use in humans and canines showed that the microinjection approach of CIVO highly limited the toxicity of chemotherapeutics while improving the anti-cancer targeting effects. This study is exciting as it combines an engineering approaching with chemotherapeutic delivery and demonstrates the potential to enhance the benefits of chemotherapy in killing tumors while reducing the often-serious toxic side effects inflicted by systemic delivery of such agents. Also, CIVO appears to be a useful experimental system to utilize in pre-clinical studies to better predict the effects of certain drugs, or combinations of drugs, in treating various types of cancer before bringing the therapy to humans. This approach will hopefully bridge the major gap between the results observed in experimental models and the effects documented in human application and advance the treatment of cancer in the very near future.

R. A. Klinghoffer, S. B. Bahrami, B. A. Hatton, J. P. Frazier, A. Moreno-Gonzalez, A. D. Strand, W. S. Kerwin, J. R. Casalini, D. J. Thirstrup, S. You, S. M. Morris, K. L. Watts, M. Veiseh, M. O. Grenley, I. Tretyak, J. Dey, M. Carleton, E. Beirne, K. D. Pedro, S. H. Ditzler, E. J. Girard, T. L. Deckwerth, J. A. Bertout, K. A. Meleo, E. H. Filvaroff, R. Chopra, O. W. Press, J. M. Olson, A technology platform to assess multiple cancer agents simultaneously within a patient’s tumor. Sci. Transl. Med.7284ra58 (2015).

#cancer #chemotherapy #doxorubicin #chemoresistant #CIVO #mTOR

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